La Défense, Paris
+06 48 48 87 40

Mobius 55/2024 – MDZ Bullets Modified for use as Improvised Detonators, Ukraine

Since the expansion of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian instructors suggested using the safety primer of an MDZ incendiary bullet for two types of modifications: the first modification suggested by instructors is utilizing it in improvised impact fuzes in improvised bomblets with point-detonating fuzes and in anti-tank mine payloads for large armed UAVs and in their improvised base detonating fuse. The second suggested modification is using the MDZ’s safety primer as an alternative detonator for UZRG-M fuzes when employed as booby traps. This modification enables instant detonation instead of a 3-4 second delay. The MDZ safety primer is similarly suggested to be used as an alternative detonator for MUV fuzes.
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