Terrogence Global


Codex™ loaded with pre-validated intelligence items from around the globe that were collected by the Terrogence team in the past 17 years. Codex™ is a unique database that serves global customers for training and courses, forensics, and research & analysis purposes.

Codex™ offers to customers:

Unmatched Real-Time Data Collection

Ready-to-Use from Day 1 by Novice and Advanced Users

Unified Intelligence in a Single Platform

Boost Security Operations with 17+ Years of Domain Expertise and Databases


Input from Subject Matter Experts and Intelligence Analysts

The in-house technologies allow the team to collect the data from closed sources, with zero risk of exposure to the end customers. Once extracted, the information and analyzed intelligence can be reviewed by the end users.

Codex™ data repositories contain worldwide details of C-IED / EOD / HME related content, allowing government agencies and customers to significantly enrich their databases, for training, forensics and R&D purposes.

The CODEX Benefits

Pre-Processing & Validation

Daily monitoring using in-house technologies
The in-house technologies allow multi-source daily monitoring. The monitored groups are researched and linked to potential suspects or new leads that form the basis for new WEBINT or SIGINT investigations.

Zero Attribution / Risk

Engage and collect meta-data without a trace
The in-house technologies allow multi-source daily monitoring. The monitored groups are researched and linked to potential suspects or new leads that form the basis for new WEBINT or SIGINT investigations.

International Scope

A Global database of validated indicators
These data repositories contain worldwide details of threat actors, radicals and terrorists, allowing government agencies to signaficantly enrich domestic and foreign databases.

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