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Mobius report 54/2022 – PDF Instructional Video for the Preparation of Improvised Rocket Propellant, Myanmar

On July 13, 2022, a unit that deals with the development of improvised weapons for the People’s Defense Force fighters, which operates mainly in Saw Township, in Magway Region, western Myanmar, published a video demonstrating a method for producing propellant intended for use with improvised rockets. The video documents the final product incorporated into the rockets and a test firing. The video includes the recipe for the propellant, which is based on a mixture of potassium nitrate and sugar, with other substances. It shows the operatives mixing the material, a test ignition, and finally its casting into a mold in the shape of a rocket motor, before its integration into the final rocket product. The production of improvised rockets in Myanmar began to gain momentum in late 2021, and has continued into 2022. Dozens of militias in the various combat zones – mainly in the west and northwest of the country – already produce and use improvised rockets of various designs, made from a variety of materials, with correspondingly varying capabilities. The rockets manufactured in Saw Township, revealed earlier this year, are among the highest quality improvised models currently being developed and used by the People’s Defense Force in the region.

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