La Défense, Paris
+06 48 48 87 40

Terrogence regularly produces 4 unique expert intelligence reports covering counterterrorism open-source and Deep Web intelligence, each designed to expose significant techno-tactical / strategic developments by non-state actors across the world of terrorism and violence, with in-depth analysis by our team of experienced professional analysts.

Authored by Michael Cardash, Chief Superintendent (ret.) of the Israel Police Bomb Disposal Division, Terrogence’ Möbius™ reports expose the current operational IED capabilities of terrorists. Terrogence tracks new and ongoing trends, identifies knowledge transfer, and analyzes the tactical utilization of IEDs and explosives.

A Möbius™ subscription comprises 8 deep-research reports per month, each analyzed by expert weapons technical intelligence and counterterrorism professionals, with emphasis on the effect of the terrorists technology or IED operation on present-day CT efforts, for the purposes of research & analysis, training and forensics.

The latest IED developments, instructional materials, and technical discussions extracted from terrorist social media networks worldwide.

Techno-tactical assessments of the most recent IED applications by terrorists around the globe, often based on documentation from the terrorist source.

A Möbius™ subscription comprises 8 deep-research reports per month, each analyzed by expert weapons technical intelligence and counterterrorism professionals, with emphasis on the effect of the terrorists technology or IED operation on present-day CT efforts, for the purposes of research & analysis, training and forensics.

Each of the 8 monthly reports addresses the following categories of tactical intelligence:

Terrogence TGAlerts™ report on threats or terror capability developments of imminent interest in near real-time, examining emerging terrorist threats, unique TTPs, and local or migrated trends in the realm of IEDs, HME, CBRN, and other terrorist areas of interest. These reports shine a spotlight on newly-introduced or ongoing terrorist phenomena, either tactical or strategic, and highlight their implications.

Issued 4 times a month, the TGAlert report incorporates timely, high-level analysis, context, and interpretation, in addition to technical analysis and assessment, all of which shed light on the tactical relevance of the intelligence.

Terrogence Hydra™ report offers strategic WEBINT insights into the nature, scope, and dynamics of extremist use of the Internet, and valuable analysis of developments and trends in the world of hard-core global jihad.

The typical monthly Hydra™ subscription report is built around a special “In Focus” section, where Terrogence  counterterrorism analysts and SMEs elaborate on a topic of particular strategic interest. This is followed by a variety of intelligence items, which cover key events and topics currently appearing in jihadist social media and cyber communities. Each report concludes with a “Who’s Who?” section, which reveals the identity of a suspected jihadist / jihadi supporter using Terrogence OSINT and WEBINT methods and tools.

Al-Khemia™ reports provide an in-depth forensic analysis of homemade explosive (HME) recipes extracted by Terrogence from terrorist social networks, knowledge bases and online forums over the past two decades by Terrogence. In addition to a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical terrorist recipe, we also reproduce the stated HME synthesis, according to the recipes, in a controlled laboratory setting. Thus, we can accurately ascertain the exact properties of the material as it would be encountered in the field. Each HME undergoes a barrage of tests in a state-of-the-art laboratory, and occasionally, further validation of the potential detonation performance, using some of the following diagnostic tools:

The Al-Khemia™ Recipe Bank is an unparalleled repository of over 100 reports offering forensic HME analysis, aimed at rooting out the IED threat at its HME source.

Al-Khemia™ reports are delivered monthly as a subscription, the order and content of which are subject to change as we react to new or improved HMEs appearing in jihadist web sources. 

Our sample Al-Khemia report provides a full chemical forensic analysis of Erythritol Tetranitrate (ETN), including a translation of an Arabic-language jihadist tutorial, our step-by-step laboratory re-synthesis of the material according to the video, and robust testing and production assessment.

Complete the form to download our sample reports: