In early December 2024, Russian Telegram channels disseminated a manual that outlines various FPV drone warfare tactics employed by Ukrainian forces. This manual is designed for Russian soldiers and commanders, aiming to enhance their understanding of the diverse tactics and...
The Ukrainian theater of operations continues to produce a variety of magnetic sensor-based initiation systems. In addition to the Djonik and MAG-3 mechanisms, a new magnetic sensor system variant was recently introduced with a casing designed specifically for TM-62 anti-tank...
In late 2024, Russian state-owned news agencies published documentation of a workshop for the production of fixed-wing, molded foam UAV platforms, loaded with various anti-armor payloads and fitted with improvised electric impact fuses. The platforms were of a series of...
In the second half of 2023, Russia began to deploy Geran-2 loitering munitions produced on its own territory against a variety of military and civilian targets across Ukraine. This was preceded by the use of loitering munitions based on the...
Since October 18, 2023, all major Iran-backed Iraqi militias have been operating under a new umbrella organization called “The Islamic Resistance in Iraq.” The IRI claims it has attacked Israel over 250 times this passing year, with its main choice...
On October 28, 2024, Russian forces published documentation of an alleged Ukrainian weapons cache they seized in Ukraine. The cache included what appears to be commercially available electronic fish bite alarms with a line tension sensor used by fishermen to...
This month’s In Focus analyzes the “Deterrence of Aggression “military campaign spearheaded by the Salafi-jihadi militant group, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. The military offensive took the Syrian Arab Army and their allies by surprise, enabling their rivals to conquer the cities...
On November 18, 2024, Internal Security Forces affiliated with the Kurdish Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria neutralized an IED in Deir al-Zour Governorate, in eastern Syria. The IED was cased in a transparent square box, covered in transparent...
In September and November 2024, Russian military-oriented Telegram channels uploaded documentation showing two separate incidents of modified mines, reportedly released from rotary-wing weaponized UAVs by Ukrainian forces. The mines were equipped with an initiator resembling the Djonik magnetic field sensor...