On May 24, 2024, a Russian Telegram channel called “Craftsmen for the [Military] Front” shared a leaked Ukrainian archive containing instructions and programmed files for 3D-printing improvised ammunition and a variety of parts for modifying standard ammunition. The catalog was...
In recent weeks, the number of published FPV racing drone-based improvised loitering munition attacks against enemy personnel and vehicles equipped with ECM systems has risen significantly. This may be explained by the use of new FPV drone technology, such as...
In recent months, documentation from the Pakistani arena indicates the manufacturing and use of improvised bomblets by Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan. In addition, there is documentation of TTP militants successfully downing several Pakistan Army armed UAVs carrying standard bomblets manufactured for...
In April 2024, a Telegram channel affiliated with a Russian company specializing in information protection published a video showcasing an unmanned ground vehicle equipped with an anti-drone system. Additionally, the post included an image showing the UGV placed in the...
On November 9, 2024, a suicide bomber initiated his PBIED on a train station platform in Quetta, in Balochistan, Pakistan. At least 26 people were killed and 60 others were injured in the attack. The Balochistan Liberation Army claimed responsibility...
In recent months, Ukrainian forces have discovered previously unseen Russian Tactical Unattended Ground Sensor systems in Sumy and Kharkiv oblasts, in northeastern Ukraine. Reports and visual documentation suggest these types of systems were found in locations where Ukrainian forces were...
During September 2024, small improvised anti-personnel mines used by Russian forces began to appear in the Ukrainian arena.The improvised AP blast mines, measuring just several centimeters, usually contain only a few grams of explosives and no fragmentation, and are laid...
Around October 2024, the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, in partnership with “Brave1” and the Ministry of Digital Transformation, hosted a demonstration day to showcase new Ukrainian precision-guided homing bomblets deployed from drones. The presented bomblets reportedly feature a...
On October 24, 2024, at 0:24 AM, a VBIED initiated in a side road between the Panare Police Station and the Panare District Office, in Pattani Province, in southern Thailand. Two defense volunteers were injured, and damage was caused to...