Over the past several weeks, and particularly during the month of April 2022, Ukrainian security forces have documented numerous incidents of booby traps placed by retreating Russian forces, primarily in the Kyiv region, in the north of the country, and...
On April 21, 2022, Colombian Police found a cache of improvised anti-personnel mines, reportedly belonging to the FARC dissident Dagoberto Ramos Front, in the Guásimo rural area in Caloto, in Cauca department. The improvised mines in PVC casings are initiated...
During December 2021, a Burmese YouTube channel posted a series of videos showing how to prepare improvised plastic fragmentation hand grenades from scratch. The grenade bodies are replicas of a standard hand grenade body widely used in Myanmar, both by...
On April 11, 2022, Egyptian security forces operating in northern Sinai found and neutralized an underbelly IED buried underground. The IED consisted of a number of old anti-tank shells converted into an IED to which a pressure plate cased in...
Since armed UAVs first appeared in the battlefield in Myanmar in late 2021, the phenomenon has intensified considerably, especially in April 2022. The use of armed UAVs is unquestionably increasing, and while the technology was initially limited to just a...
On April 5, 2022, an instructional video was posted on the Belarussian pro-Ukraine Sal autem in diaboli Telegram channel, illustrating the neutralization of the safety arming element from a VOG-17 fuze, to enable immediate initiation upon impacting the target when...
During February and March 2022, security forces in northwestern Myanmar’s Sagaing Region seized a number of IEDs designed to resemble concrete right-of-way markers. In two of the incidents, the IEDs were encased in a cylindrical concrete camouflage sleeve, painted white...