La Défense, Paris
+06 48 48 87 40


Get access to global C-IED intelligence
on a single platform

Advanced search options – Codex offers smart, intuitive and advanced search filters for global CIED incidents

Millions of C-IED/EOD/HME related intelligence items in one platform

C-IED/EOD/HME expert analysis for thousands of incidents worldwide

Advanced search options – Codex offers smart, intuitive and advanced search filters for global CIED incidents


Millions of C-IED/EOD/HME related intelligence items in one platform

C-IED/EOD/HME expert analysis for thousands of incidents worldwide

Global C-IED Intelligence on a single platform

Access to subject matter experts and intelligence analysts on demand.

Largest archive of C-IED/EOD/HME analyzed reports and raw intelligence materials for access online and 


Global C-IED Intelligence on a single platform


Largest archive of C-IED/EOD/HME analyzed reports and raw intelligence materials for access online and 


Access to subject matter experts and intelligence analysts on demand.

Access to millions of raw intelligence items and SME analyzed reports to get a more efficient and concise analysis of your research target.

Collect and maintain information on C-IED methods and technologies and support IED technical analysis efforts.

Get access to Intelligence reports pertaining to IEDs used by various threat actors around the world, TTPs and documentation of IEDs and components for their preparation and assembly.

Get access to recipes for preparing homemade explosives (HME), technical analysis, reconstruction of the synthesis, and analysis of the product using a variety of analytical instruments

Get access to the largest global archive of real-world C-IED/HME/EOD data for force design, analysis, development, and for education and training purposes.

Global C-IED intelligence reports analyzed by subject matter experts.

Largest archive of C-IED, HME and EOD raw intelligence items (images, videos, instructional manuals, etc.)

Filter search by geographies, terrorist organizations, attack targets, attack types, IED components, explosive types and precursors.

Special end of year benefits: full subscription to Mobius and TGAlerts built-in  + additional complimentary reports. –>
