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Mobius report 51/2023 – Cardboard Loitering Munitions with Claymore-Type Payloads, Ukraine

On June 21, 2023, images and videos of a downed Ukrainian improvised loitering munition appeared on the Telegram channel of a Russian journalist. The improvised loitering munition, downed in  Shebekinsky District, in Belgorod Oblast, comprised a cardboard frame, a flight controller, a satellite antenna, and a Claymore-type fragmentation IED with a plate of fragmentation and explosives.

On June 23, 2023, documentation of an identical improvised loitering munition was uploaded to another Russian Telegram channel. The UAV was documented with all of its components, including a Russian MON-50 type Claymore-type mine explosive payload, which was shot down by Russian forces.

The cardboard UAV is made in Australia and is considered an inexpensive, light, efficient UAV for transporting weights between three and five kilograms ​​over distances of about 120 km. The cardboard structure of the UAV makes it particularly difficult to detect by air defense systems.

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